Friday, October 28, 2011

How To Get A Job in Pro Sports

How To Get A Job In Pro Sports
Tom Van Riper, 9.11.2011
In Pictures: The 10 Best Starter Jobs In Pro Sports

Can't throw a 95-mile an hour fastball or dunk over a 7-foot center, but want to work in sports? There's still hope. Here's a look at 10 jobs to get you in the door.
Want to work in professional sports? Get in line. Larger staffs these days mean openings are more plentiful than they used to be, but the competition is intense, even if you're not a first-round NFL draft pick. Even people with advanced degrees agree to take internships to get a foot in the door.
Still, for college students or recent grads determined to pursue a career in sports management, some entry-level jobs are more valuable than others. Working in the box office, for instance, isn't likely to get you anywhere. But proving you've got sales skills--that's another story.

In Depth: The 10 Best Entry-Level Jobs In Pro Sports

Without connections through family or friends, showing a sports organization that you can sell to groups, organize events or put together media guides goes a long way toward reaching that corner office with a view of the field.
"The kids don't want sales, but that's where the jobs are," says Bernie Mullin, former president of Atlanta Spirit, which owns the NBA Hawks and NHL Thrashers. Starting at $10 an hour plus commission may not appeal to a newly minted college grad, but few things draw more notice from senior management than showing you can get paying customers to the game. Sponsors, after all, pay by the eyeball.
"They need to understand it's all about butts in seats," says Mullin, who now runs the Aspire Group, an industry consultant. Those who jump into the group-sales game be warned: The competition is as fierce as it is among players on the field. For most, it's up or out within a year. To qualify, some sort of sales track record, even selling sneakers in a sporting goods store, is a big help.
Those who succeed in group sales generally rake in $100,000 annually before age 30, before advancing into the even more lucrative role of corporate sponsorship sales.
But if sales just isn't your thing, there are other avenues. Most clubs and leagues offer entry level slots in public relations. Writing press releases and putting together media guides is often a path to bigger things. Legendary NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle went that route, starting out in public relations for the Los Angeles Rams. The pros' advice to undergrads: Get down to your school's Sports Information Department right away and start doing it for free. Almost anyone you'll be competing with for a PR spot already is.
Another popular choice: customer service. Helping to put together special events, like pregame stadium entertainment or off-site shindigs for sponsors, is a way to demonstrate the organization skills and attention to detail that management loves.
For finance and accounting types, the best bet is to forget sports right out of college. Most teams hire those folks from their outside auditors rather than at the entry level. Likewise, boutique investment banks specializing sports (generally team acquisition and stadium financing) tend to be small shops with few openings.
While a specialized degree in sports management carries a lot of importance--especially for those without connections--teams are more interested in seeing experience through internships and college athletic department work. Most clubs are also partial to athletes, at least those who lettered in high school if not college. Sales in particular requires mental toughness and an ability to overcome obstacles, qualities often associated with jocks.
"They want to see that you won't wilt like a flower," says Buffy Filippell, president of TeamWork Consulting and a former agent with sports and entertainment heavyweight IMG. Also important to know going in, she says, is that sports management is not a nine-to-five job. Between travel and various starting times for games, the hours can be crazy. For the closest comparison, think of the 24/7 hotel business.
The good news is that even through a bumpy economy, the sports industry continues to thrive. Filippell says that most teams and outside agencies are hiring even as other sectors of the economy cut back.
"There are plenty of jobs for entry-level grads or college students," she says. "The challenging part is the entry-level salary." Not to mention the cutthroat competition. If you can't hit a jump shot or throw a spiral 50 yards, bone up on those sales skills.

In Depth: The 10 Best Entry-Level Jobs In Pro Sports

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