Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2K Millennium Provides Opportunity and Internships For Recent College Graduates

For recent college graduates, hopes are dashed and dreams deferred as they struggle to kick off a career amidst the storm Americans call the economy. Understanding that the addition of jobs will give impetus to the economy, 2K MILLENNIUM recently announced that they will offer several internships to qualifying college graduates to help them gain hands on experience in the marketing and promotional advertising field. Not only will they familiarize themselves with the various approaches to marketing and know how, but also interns will learn skills applicable to every career they may pursue in the future.

"An intern's capacity to work independently or on a team widens--skill sets that every employer seeks in a candidate. More importantly, they gain invaluable leadership experience," notes Adam Targan, one of 2K MILLENNIUM's top Account Executives. "We're really looking for a candidate with an entrepreneurial spirit--someone who will go above and beyond to get the job done on time. Here at 2K MILLENNIUM, we work on several campaigns simultaneously, and we see to it that the client gets exactly what they want--results. It is essential that we find someone who has that excellent work ethic and awesome attitude," adds Keith Cherney, another top Account Executive for 2K MILLENNIUM's Promotional Advertising Department.

2K MILLENNIUM will present several college graduates with the opportunity to be a part of an exciting and energetic environment and see firsthand 2K MILLENNIUM's unique grassroots approach to marketing—the same method that has garnered them a little over one hundred clients within a two-year period. Interns will learn how to represent 2K MILLENNIUM's clients on a daily basis, and they will get a balanced dose of both sales and marketing. In the past two years, 2K MILLENNIUM has been inundated with resumes from college graduates. 2K MILLENNIUM's hiring managers make it a point to meet with all applicants, however only a small number will be selected from that large pool of candidates. "These are recent college grads--we understand they may not have much experience, so we look for people skills. In marketing, it's all about excellent people skills. Add to that an amazing work ethic, attitude, and leadership potential, and you've got our perfect candidate," states Said Gaida, an Assistant Director.

2K MILLENNIUM is the leading marketing firm for sports and entertainment businesses, and they spearhead campaigns for clients all throughout the New Jersey/New York area. They employ a unique grassroots approach that has not once failed their clients, and is also the same reason why more clients are added each month. This continuous addition of clients is largely the reason why 2K MILLENNIUM is one of the few companies that have bucked the trend of layoffs ever since the economic downturn. With more than one hundred clients and five promotions to managerial positions, 2K MILLENNIUM started off 2011 with a bang, and will continue ahead with the same momentum.

2K Millennium has been servicing a variety of clients in the sports and entertainment industries. 2K Millennium prides Itself on developing and executing personalized promotions designed to raise client awareness in the community and drive new business through clients' doors. Clients turn to 2K Millennium for their sales and marketing needs due to their ability to produce results in a way that is impossible for their clients to duplicate themselves. The amount of time, money and resources necessary to develop an in-house sales and marketing department equal to 2K Millennium is simply not an investment our clients find realistic.

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